Managing Poor Performance & Problematic Behaviours


Not responding to training, refusal to follow instructions, not following SOPs, not demonstrating desired behaviours, punctuality issues, missed deadlines, increased mistakes, reduced work quality, poor time management, insubordination, lack of focus, lack of commitment and other challenging performance issues.

The list goes on. Managing Employee Performance is arguably one of the toughest challenges for any supervisor and manager. It is however necessary. This is because poor work performance and difficult behaviours can have a negative impact on productivity and workplace effectiveness, and may impact adversely on those employees who are performing well and ultimately, affect the work culture.

The process of managing a staff’s performance is part of a leader’s day-to-day function. Communicating Clear Expectations, Training, Monitoring, Giving Feedback, Performance Improvement Plan (PIP), Motivating, Counselling and Progressive Discipline are all components of the holistic Performance Management System. When this process operates effectively, employees know what is expected of them and are able to perform to the expectations of the organization and thereby creating a high-performance culture!

This 2 day high-impact program equips the Managers with the knowledge & tools of how to deal with poor performance & disciplinary problems, the effective way!



At the end of this program, you will be able to:

- Learn why performance problems happen at the workplace
- Learn the importance of managing performance, monitoring and taking appropriate action
- Apply fundamental principles & practices of good Industrial Relations
- Learn the informal and formal processes of managing poor performance and misconduct in the Progressive Discipline Procedures
- Use effective tools to analyze & manage under-performing staff using PIPs
- Proactively manage performance by using the 4Cs to set and communicate clear expectations to all employees, effectively
- Use Re-engineered Communication to convert blame / criticizing language to solution-focused language to inspire accountability to change
- Learn what is “Feedback” and when to provide it
- Maintain control on Feedback & Counselling sessions by focusing on being specific and objective about the disciplinary problem
- Document counselling sessions accurately using counselling form
- Conduct effective PIPs, Feedback & Counselling using the 7 Steps
- Hold employees accountable, the effective way
- Successfully manage poor performance and behaviour

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No Topic Topic Description
1 Module 1 – Managing Performance – Fundamentals!

HR is HR's Job!! True Or False?

The difference between Performance & Behaviour

The Performance Management Process

Why some employees struggle & why performance problems happen?

Group discussion - what common disciplinary problems do you face?

Leading yourself first, before leading others

Every action starts with monitoring!

Managing performance proactively: what staff need first!

Types of misconduct - minor, major & gross

  • Formal progressive disciplinary procedures
  • Can a minor misconduct / poor performance become major?

Principles of natural justice and good discipline policies

How (& why) to analyze performance problems

  • When to conduct performance analysis?
  • The 3-step performance analysis
  • The 7-steps to structure a pip discussion
  • Performance improvement plan (pip)
  • Role-plays – conducting pip discussions using 7-steps

Group exercise – Conducting analysis of your poor performing staff

Malaysian IR case reviews -termination for poor performance, probationer, malingering, medical certificate abuses & medical board-out

2 Module 2 - Setting & Communicating Clear Expectations!

What do you do with newly joined employees or newly promoted employees or misunderstanding about performance situations?

Why is setting clear expectations so crucial?

The 4Cs of clear expectations 

The clear expectations agreement tool

Role-play - Communicating clear expectations

Re-engineering your Communication - Solution-Focused:

  • Purpose of re-engineering
  • Guidelines to re-engineer
  • Re-engineering exercises & group presentation
3 Module 3 – Constructive Feedback & Counselling Skills

What is Constructive Feedback, actually?

When do you give constructive feedback?

Are you giving feedback or criticizing? 

What is counselling?

When do you conduct counselling?

Consequences of failing to take action

The 8-Pillars of feedback & counselling

Avoid negative & judgmental statements

Your objective in feedback & counselling – Solution!

The SBI Model

The skills of giving feedback Professionally:

  • 'Solution-Focused Language' & steps of giving feedback
  • Body language & listening skills
  • Dialogue answers & trap answers
  • The 7-Steps to give feedback Professionally

Role-plays - Giving constructive feedback  

The 7-Step counselling process

  • Dialogue example

Documenting the discussion using counselling form 

Rope-plays - Conducting counselling

Summary, re-cap & final thoughts



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